Macadamia Oil Extract Range | Beauty ❤

Hello lovelies.
My hair has went through a bit of a rough patch recently. Basically I wasn't looking after it very well. I worked in a very greasy environment and I used heat on my hair everyday (not to mention the teasing on weekends). So inevitably my hair became very extreme- dry, split ends and greasy roots. Yay.
Then something incredible happened. Let me set the scene...
I was staying at my parents caravan and forgot half of my things for that weekend (including shampoo, conditioner and all things hair). I was forced to use my mother's hair products, which was very kind of her. So in the shower I slathered on the macadamia oil extract mask and left it on for a while. After washing it out I eventually blow dried it using a brush to comb through whilst doing so. To my amazement, I didn't even have to straighten my hair. My hair was honestly, smooth, glossy (not greasy), soft, straight and beautiful. Until I had to go back to university I "borrowed" this mask every time I washed my hair. Sadly, I was forced to leave it behind when I made my way back to university. However on an impulsive trip to Savers I saw the beautiful packaging catch my eye- I gasped in the middle of the shop and pushed a woman out of the way to get to it.
Here's the best bit.
This mask? It's £1. One single pound. Oh, also there is a shampoo and conditioner also £1 each. I'm not kidding, they are incredible and probably the only in-shower hair products I'm going to be buying this year. Please give them a go, their freaking incredible. You're hair is going to love them.

Lots of Love



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