Since starting my blog I've now got nearly 60 followers on bloglovin'. Now, I know lots of people are going to be like -yeah ok but Tanya Burr has over a million followers... but I've just started blogging and I think 60 followers is pretty darn good. I'm so impressed that I've stuck to it because it's something I've wanted to do for a really long time. A lot of people ask me now, "why do you blog?", "why did you choose beauty?" and "what are you going to do with it?".
When I was around 14 one day I came home from school, face red with spots and scraggy hair, I just felt sad. I know this is going to sound a bit depressing but just roll with me- I just didn't know who I was or what I wanted to be. I was in that phase. Even though I had loads of fantastic friends I had really low self esteem. If somebody made any sort of slight remark at me I reacted like it was the end of the world. At this point in my life I had very wonky teeth, I had given up swimming for my group and so I started gaining weight, I was stressed with my school work and I was a moody teenager. I came home that day and I typed into the internet 'make up to cover spots'. I thought if I could sort my spots it would solve all my problems haha. And in a way, it kind of did.
I managed to stumble upon Fleur De Force's YouTube channel that night and I watched ALL of her videos. I know it sounds sad, but I learned so so so much. I stayed up way past my bed time that night and the next day I went shopping and bought a whole new make up kit. From there I found Tanya, Ingrid, Essie, Anna, Lilly, Ameliana all of them! Then I managed to stumble upon blogs too. Sooner or later watching videos and reading blogs took up the majority of my time, I found my passion. With reading and watching all the videos I learned how to make myself look and feel better on the days I didn't feel s great, and then my esteem started to rocket!
When I turned 15 I decided to make a YouTube channel, "this is what I want to do" I said to myself. I made an evening skin care video and within a day I took it straight down. One person had commented on it that the music in my video was too loud and so I took it down. I tried this on a number of occasions, but it always resulted in me with an empty YouTube channel. I decided to leave it. I carried on watching and reading though, but I just felt that my creative side wasn't really fulfilled. I loved acting and analysing plays in school because my own ideas and opinions were put forward and made into something great, so when I went to University I missed that a lot.
Tom understood that I was frustrated with this and really encouraged me to start small and start with a blog so that maybe one day I will post a YouTube video. It's crazy that it's taken me 4 years to start blogging, but it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I know I'm not great at it yet, but with practice I'll get better. So now I've decided it's time for me to face my fear and start YouTube, it's just a matter of getting a good camera and set up and I'll be on my way! I would love to blog and vlog as a full time job. Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to do that, if not I still really want to carry on with this is the future. And for anyone who wants to blog/vlog and is just a bit nervous, JUST DO IT! You'll be so happy that you did!
Blogging | Life ❤
Lots of Love
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